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Read MoreAs the electronic dance music scene continues to evolve and diversify, Los Angeles-based artist duo Knowmans is undoubtedly carving their path to greatness with their upcoming release on San Diego-based imprint United By Bass Recordings. This highly-anticipated release, titled “More Than Enough,” is a true testament to the power of collaboration and the magic that can unfold when talented artists come together with a shared vision.
It all began a few years ago when Knowmans crafted the original track, but something was missing. Instead of rushing the release, the duo decided to shelve it for a while until fate brought them to the talented singer/songwriter, Rosebud, at Respect in late 2021. The connection was instant, and both parties knew they had found the missing piece of the puzzle.
In the words of Knowmans themselves: “Both of us were really impressed with her abilities as a singer/songwriter and had been on the lookout for a vocalist to collaborate with for some time. After some consideration, we sent her the tune and she immediately went in and started writing. A few days later she sent us some stems and everything kind of fell into place after that. After a couple of sessions, we ended up with the appropriate name, ‘More Than Enough,’ based on her lyrics.”
The track “More Than Enough” is a sublime fusion of electronic elements, deep grooves, and soulful vocals. Rosebud’s captivating voice effortlessly weaves through the intricately crafted beats, carrying a message of empowerment and self-worth. The combination of Knowmans’ impeccable production skills and Rosebud’s emotive delivery creates a musical experience that will undoubtedly resonate with dance music enthusiasts around the world.
What sets this release even further apart is the exclusive House remix contributed by none other than the award-winning artist Wes Smith. Known for his distinctive style and infectious energy on the dancefloor, Wes Smith’s remix elevates “More Than Enough” to new heights. With a pulsating bassline, infectious rhythm, and cleverly reimagined vocal chops, Wes Smith’s remix injects an extra dose of dancefloor magic that is bound to ignite dancefloors everywhere.
In an exclusive message from Knowmans themselves, they shared their excitement about the collaboration with Rosebud and the future of their musical journey: “Over the last couple of years, we’ve been very fortunate to perform together on multiple occasions and it’s been an amazing experience. You can certainly expect more from all of us in the future.”
As the release date of Friday, August 4th, draws near, the anticipation for “More Than Enough” intensifies. Knowmans, Rosebud, and Wes Smith have undoubtedly poured their hearts and souls into this project, and the result is a musical gem that exemplifies the beauty of creative synergy.
In conclusion, “More Than Enough” is not just a song; it’s a testament to the power of collaboration and the boundless potential that arises when talented artists join forces. United By Bass Recordings, a label renowned for its dedication to quality electronic music, has yet again unearthed a true masterpiece that will undoubtedly make waves across the dance music community.
So, mark your calendars, set your reminders, and prepare yourself to be swept away by the enchanting sounds of “More Than Enough.” It’s a release that will remind you of the limitless possibilities of music and leave you craving for more from Knowmans, Rosebud, and the entire United By Bass family in the near future.
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